webviruscheck - Before you click the link,virus check,browser crasher check, grotesque check

webviruscheck is a service to detect the virus from the input URL (virus check,virus scaner). So-called,link scaner,URL scaner. In addition, this service can also detect the grotesque files and browser crasher(browser expliot,Mischief to the browser). With the power of google, this service can also check malware and phishing sites. This service can also jump destination check of shortening URL. Even if I don't access a site, there is also source viewer function which can confirm the HTML source safely beforehand.

(I am a native Japanese speakers. English is not good. If there is the sentence that you cannot understand, I am sorry. Partially There is Japanese.)

[Show result sample]

Please enter URL to check.

When you run you agree to the "[Disclaimer]".[Show disclaimer]

Grotesque judgment of the image file, click here.(Japanese only)

Change log(The main thing) from 04/22/2008
  • Browser crasher judgment has to change at any time.
  • 10/26/2016 It has been supported in part to English.(Ver2.3)
  • 05/03/2015 Added the feature to comment on the results.(Ver2.2)
  • 01/18/2015 Find extension impersonation.(Ver2.1)
  • 10/18/2014 Something has changed pattern(Ver2.0)
  • 09/03/2013 It added the source viewer function it is possible to confirm the source in advance.(Ver1.4)
  • 01/02/2012 It added the ability to detect malware and phishing sites.(Ver1.1)
  • 01/02/2012 Improved processing speed.(Ver1.0)
  • 01/2010 It adds a simple tampering detection function.
  • 05/2009 Added the capability to analyze the behavior of the page.
  • 05/2009 It added the ability to detect browser crasher
  • 04/22/2008 Released (beta version)